


ipv6-only network for personal, non-profit use


in case of abuse or bad routes, please reach out to the noc, which can be found in the RIPE whois and on PeeringDB

to say hi, talk about transit or peering, or request resources, we have a Discord server


imported routes

  1. filtered: RPKI invalid
  2. filtered: default routes
  3. filtered: private ASNs in path
  4. recommended: RPKI valid, IRR valid
  5. recommended: up-to-date PeeringDB entry
  6. recommended: as-set

exported routes

  1. signed: RPKI, IRR, ASPA
  2. recommended: RFC 9234
  3. recommended: as-set and prefix limit from PeeringDB


200242:1:0 info learned from self
200242:1:1 info learned from downstream
200242:1:2 info learned from upstream
200242:1:3 info learned from peer
200242:1:4 info learned from rs
200242:2:n info learned from as[n]
200242:100:x action set localpref to [x]
200242:666:0 action no export
200242:666:n action no export to as[n]
200242:100x:0 action prepend [x] times
200242:100x:n action prepend [x] times to as[n]